About me

My name is Dan Chung and I’ve been in the industry long enough to be embarrassed by it. I have no pretense when I say that I love photography. Because of my love of photography I’ve done many different genres of it and here I am towards the later chapters of my career choosing architectural photography as my specialty.

I fell in love with photography all over again with the approach of photographing architecture. The methodical placement of the lens, the manipulations of knobs and dials of the technical camera, the pursuit of showing the viewers what the architect envisioned. All in a controlled environment where the lumbering sweep of the sun or the mischievous clouds are the only varying factors of the shot. Besides that, it’s just me and the building.

We create the space that we live and work in. The choices that are made during this process is very interesting to me. These decisions show the values of the people who designed it and also reflects on the era that they’ve served in. Art tells us how people think, Architecture shows us how people live.

American Institute of Architects
Allied Member